Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Abraham Lincoln Might Have Been a Republican, But He Damn Sure Wasn’t a Conservative

Lincoln also instituted the first “income tax,” and told the Southern states claiming “states’ rights” when it came to slavery that they were completely full of crap.

Could you imagine a Republican today creating a tax and telling states that their claim of “states’ rights” on an issue was absurd?

Abraham Lincoln might have been a Republican, but that was before Republicans became “conservatives.” See, there’s a difference between what Republicans were and what conservatives are. Conservatives have always been conservatives. Decades ago, racist conservatives aligned with the Democratic party. Today these same conservatives call themselves Republicans.

Anyone who knows anything about history knows that long ago Democrats were the party of racists. But those who are honest about history also know that over time, the political ideology of both parties switched.

This isn’t hard to prove – just look at reality. What groups align with the fringe of the Republican party? The KKK, neo-Nazis and people who seek to glorify the confederacy. In other words, racists. You don’t see members of the KKK, Nazi groups or confederate sympathizers siding with modern day Democrats. Oh, no – they vote Republican.

Nothing about Lincoln made him a conservative. He fought against “states’ rights,” he created a tax, he bucked tradition, he embraced change and he did all of this by using the power of big government.

Abraham Lincoln Might Have Been a Republican But He Damn Sure Wasn t a Conservative

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