Friday, December 9, 2016

Compared to Ronnie?

The Iran-contra scandal as it became known, did serious damage to the Reagan presidency. <b>The investigations were effectively halted when President George H. W. Bush (Reagan's vice president) pardoned Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger before his trial began.></b>

Iran-Contra Affair

Elliott Abrams (R) , CONVICTED
Robert C. McFarlane, (R) , CONVICTED
Alan D. Fiers (R), CONVICTED
Richard R. Miller (R), CONVICTED
Clair George (R), CONVICTED
Richard Secord (R), CONVICTED
Thomas G. Clines (R), CONVICTED
Carl R. Channel (R), CONVICTED
John Poindexter, (R), CONVICTED
Oliver North (R), CONVICTED

Department of Housing and Urban Development grant rigging

James Watt, (R), CONVICTED
Phillip D. Winn (R), CONVICTED
Thomas Demery (R), CONVICTED
Deborah Gore Dean (R), CONVICTED
Joseph A. Strauss, (R), CONVICTED
Silvio D. DeBartolomeis (R), CONVICTED
Lobbying scandal
Michael Deaver, (R), CONVICTED
Lyn Nofziger (R), CONVICTED

EPA scandals

<b>Over twenty high-level EPA employees were removed from office during Reagan's first three years as president.</b>

Rita Lavelle, (R) an administrator at the EPA, misused Superfund monies and was convicted of perjury.

Anne Gorsuch Burford, (R) the controversial head of the EPA. Burford, citing "Executive Privilege," refused to turn over Superfund records to Congress. She was found in Contempt, whereupon she resigned.

Inslaw Affair

Inslaw Affair (1985-1994+); a protracted legal case that alleged that top-level officials of President Ronald Reagan's (R) Department of Justice were involved in copyright violation of the Promis program from Inslaw Inc. forcing it into bankruptcy and then failed to appoint an independent counsel to investigate it.

D. Lowell Jensen, (D) Deputy Attorney General was held in Contempt of Congress.

C. Madison Brewer A high ranking Justice Department official was held in Contempt of Congress.

Attorney General Edwin Meese (R) refused to investigate the matter. His successor Attorney General Dick Thornburgh (R) also refused to investigate.

They were succeeded by Attorney General William P. Barr (R) who also refused to investigate the matter. No charges were ever filed

Savings & loan crisis

"The theft from the taxpayer by the community that fattened on the growth of the savings and loan (S&L) industry in the 1980s is the worst public scandal in American history. Teapot Dome in the Harding administration and the Credit Mobilier in the times of Ulysses S. Grant have been taken as the ultimate horror stories of capitalist democracy gone to seed. Measuring by money, [or] by the misallocation of national resources... the S&L outrage makes Teapot Dome and Credit Mobilier seem minor episodes."

Operation Ill Wind

Operation Ill Wind was a three-year investigation launched in 1986 by the FBI into corruption by U.S. government and military officials, and private defense contractors.


Monday, July 25, 2016

National Bureau of Economic Research:
The top 0.1 percent was composed of 160,000 families with average 
wealth of $72.8 million. All told, they owned 22 percent of the nation’s
Meanwhile, the bottom 90 percent -- 144 million families with average
wealth of $84,000 -- owned only 22.8 percent of the wealth.
In other words, the top 0.1 percent and the bottom 90 percent of U.S.
households own virtually the same share of all the nation's wealth. Is there a problem with this number?

Non-Partisan Congressional Tax Report Debunks Core Conservative Economic Theory

The conclusion?

Lowering the tax rates on the wealthy and top earners in America donot appear to have any impact on the nation’s economic growth.

This paragraph from the report says it all—

“The reduction in the top tax rates appears to be uncorrelated with saving, investment and productivity growth. The top tax rates appear to have little or no relation to the size of the economic pie. However, the top tax rate reductions appear to be associated with the increasing concentration of income at the top of the income distribution.”